So what can you do?
The best strategy, in my experience, is to proactively request reviews from all your clients, so that you build a strong average rating on multiple review and social media sites.
That way, you give your raving fans a focal point to sing your praises.
And the odd fake or negative review won’t have any power to hurt your business.
You might even catch “having-a-bad-day” situations like the one above, and turn things around before it spills out all over social media.
If you want simple way to automate the review collection process and earn reviews faster, then check out RatingScoop (formerly Trusted Practitioner).
That's the lowest we've *ever* offered our service since we first launched, and it's because we've just released a new "Starter" plan specifically to meet the needs of part time therapists.
Here's to your success!
Rob Woodgate
Co-founder of Hypnotension
Ps - If you are one of our existing Trusted Practitioner / RatingScoop members, you will be grandfathered in at a discount on a higher level plan. If you want to switch down to this new starter plan, you can downgrade via your account dashboard.