Why do *YOU* do hypnotherapy?

Published: Thu, 02/08/18

I don't know about you, but we got into this business to make a difference in people’s lives.

And by helping members of the public to connect with awesome practitioners like you via Hypnotension and our Trusted Practitioner service, our ability to make a difference has been multiplied.
It's like dropping a stone into a pond and watching ripples of goodness spreading in all directions.

So it's really satisfying when we get emails from our practitioners, like this:

Just thought I’d like to share this with you, that’s the first time someone specifically mentioned the reviews:

‘Once home I will be able to check the dates you have mentioned below as would be keen to have a chat with you. Your website reviews speak volumes so i am very encouraged.’

Thank you!
Uschi x

Contrast this to the practitioner we spoke to earlier today...

She was kicking herself that she didn't get a membership to our Trusted Practitioner review service when we launched it to our practitioners at early bird prices.

Naturally, being softees at heart, we had to do something.

After all, even though Trusted Practitioner returns 10X (or more) than the monthly investment by increasing the number of new bookings practitioners get... we could see she was stopping herself moving forward by regretting the past.

If you were feeling then same, then we've got some great news...

And as we've grown that service over the last few months, we've been able to enjoy some economies of scale.

And because we want you to be part of our ripple of goodness too, we've decided to pass those savings on...

So we've reduced Trusted Practitioner from £29 per month down to £19.99 per month (a 30% saving).

And, as a Hypnotension practitioner, you can take a further 30% off if you order using this link.

Looking forward to helping you spread ripples of goodness in your local area too!

Kind regards,

Rob & Paul

Ps - Did you know that you can show your Trusted Practitioner reviews on your Hypnotension profile AS WELL as your website and Facebook page? Ripple of goodness everywhere!