And your average rating is...

Published: Tue, 07/25/17

... 5 stars!

That's the rating our Hypnotension and TISPH practitioners have received so far when they've asked previous clients for a review via our new Trusted Practitioner service.

We always knew you folks were a bunch of superstars :)

We're also starting to get some founder member reviews coming in for Trusted Practitioner,  and it seems you like it quite a lot.

Anyhow, we're just about ready to open the doors to the wider profession, so if you've been thinking about jumping on board as a founder member of Trusted Practitioner and locking in at our preferential pricing, then now is the time to do it.

That's because the price will be going up on Friday this week.

Now, we know that the summer holidays means some of you might be on a beach, or running around after children (like us!), so we'll be sending some reminders between now and then so you don't miss this.

If you are 100% SURE you don't want to join Trusted Practitioner, then you can use this link to opt-out of these reminders (but stay on our customer list) - or you can unsubscribe the whole list below.

Otherwise, you can find out more and join our band of 5 star hypnotherapists here:

Kind regards,
Rob & Paul

Ps - Remember that you can display your Trusted Practitioner reviews on your Hypnotension / TISPH profiles as well as on your own website.